Information about athletes cycle
As we know, bodybuilding theory distinguishes two types of cycles. The first one is the mass recruitment cycle. During this time the athlete builds up mass and increases muscle volume. A cutting cycle is performed to relieve fatty mass and shape muscles. For these different cycles, trainers have developed different nutrition and training programs. And the medical support is also different.
The classic medical accompaniment of the Cutting cycle involves injections of various drugs. For example, steroid drugs are administered injectively. But many athletes are often scared away by the need for injections. Therefore, the Oral Cutting cycle was developed. Let’s look at the differences between these approaches.
There is a stereotype that the oral cycle is less toxic. This is not true.
When we do an injection, we immediately deliver the drug into the bloodstream. Thus, we quickly direct the substance to where we need it. This reduces hepatotoxicity.
When taken orally, the drug is absorbed in the intestines. There it enters a vein, which collects all the blood from the intestines and directs it to the liver. And only then the drug enters the systemic circulation. Thus, 100% of the drug passes through the liver. Therefore, hepatotoxicity increases.
The second feature is the start time of the action. Before the drug is absorbed, it can take from 30 minutes to several hours. It depends on the place of absorption of the drug. Different drugs enter the bloodstream at different levels of the digestive tract. For example, glucose begins to be absorbed already in the mouth.
Therefore, when choosing a cycle, the athlete, together with the doctor, must choose the one that suits him. For example, if the athlete’s liver is compromised, it may be better to completely abandon drug therapy, or choose an injection option. If there are skin problems, or the injection method is too traumatic, then it is better to choose an oral cycle.
So, what drugs do we use in the oral cutting cycle?
Anavar is an anabolic steroid first synthesized in the USA. It is a metabolite of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone. This in turn gives this drug several advantages.
Athletes love Anavar for its weak androgenic effect. Moreover, it has a sufficient anabolic effect. Despite the oral form of administration, its toxicity to the liver is negligible. Anavar does not aromatize. But you need to remember that it reduces the amount of luteinizing hormone. A similar effect occurs when the level of endogenous testosterone is too high. This in turn inhibits further stimulation of Leydig cells in the testes, which can cause their atrophy. Athletes who took Anavar retained more muscle tissue than athletes without steroid support.
Doctors prescribe a drug to increase muscle mass in critical patients. Besides, it has a positive effect on bones and ligaments. The drug is often used to treat resistant anemia.
Even though the drug helps to maintain muscle mass, it does not lead to an increase in adipose tissue. Also, it does not have an edematous effect. All these features make this steroid a good vibrator for the Cutting cycle.
Stanozolol, or Winstrol, is a known anabolic steroid. It is obtained from testosterone with several molecular changes. These changes give it unique properties. Stanozolol is available both in tablets and in injections. In this article, we will consider the tablet form.
Stanozolol is used to create relief muscles and burn excess fat. Unlike other anabolic steroids, it does not cause swelling. Moreover, it is used in medicine to reduce edema, which is important when drying. As you know, a certain amount of the hormone testosterone can turn into estrogen, which can lead to water retention. However, the amount of testosterone in Stanozolol is considered to be very minimal, which does not lead to such effects. Therefore, men should not be afraid of such side effects as breast augmentation.
The drug slightly affects the increase in strength and muscle mass. As an anabolic agent, it is inferior to testosterone ineffectiveness, so some athletes use other anabolic steroids for these purposes. But to increase strength and muscles without a set of excess fat and water, Stanozolol is needed.
Stanozolol also increases red blood cell production.
Stanozolol reduces the amount of globulin and increases the effectiveness of other steroids. It has exceptional ability and a high degree of stimulation and facilitation of protein and collagen synthesis in the body.
He is also popular in female bodybuilding. Stanozolol provides anabolic effects with minimal androgenic effects.
Primobolan is an anabolic steroid. Like Anavar, it is also one of the derivatives of dihydrotestosterone. So it has weak androgenic activity. This means that it has a low rate of androgenic side effects. But anabolic effects are rather moderate. Therefore, they have synergistic activity and similar effects.
It is available in injection and tablet forms.
The injections of Primobolan is methenolone enanthate. It has a long period of action. It can remain active for approximately two weeks.
Injectable acetate with a short half-life of up to about two days is less common.
Oral Primobolan has a much shorter period of action, about 5 hours. This influences the time of administration. A distinctive feature of the tablet form is the absence of toxic effects on the liver, unlike most other oral forms of steroids. The anabolic activity of Primobolan is slightly lower than that of testosterone. But at the same time, the androgenic activity is half as much.
This drug is more often used during drying cycles. After all, the main goal is not a set of muscle mass, but its preservation.
Primobolan practically does not cause the rise of harmful cholesterol. The drug does not significantly affect the level of blood pressure.
Due to the low androgenic effect, Primobolan practically does not cause baldness. Primobolan most often causes side effects such as aggression, irritability, insomnia, and elevation of liver enzymes.
Thus, Primobolan can be considered one of the safest anabolic steroids currently available on the market.
Nolvadex is the trade name for tamoxifen. It is an antitumor antiestrogenic agent. It does not affect estrogen itself. Nolvadex inhibits estrogen receptors in our body tissues. The result is a drug-receptor-transfer cofactor complex that blocks estrogen action on the cell. Nolvadex has antigonadotropic properties. In men with oligospermia, Nolvadex increases the concentration of LH and FSH, testosterone and estrogen in the blood serum.
Tablets should be taken without chewing, washed down with a small amount of liquid, in one dose in the morning or dividing the required dose into 2 doses, in the morning and evening.
Nolvadex is non-selective. It blocks estrogen in all body tissues except bones. In bone tissue, on the contrary, it has estrogenic properties.
Tamoxifen is also used on the cutting cycle due to its effect on adipose tissue. It affects the estrogen receptors of lipocytes. Because of this, lipocytes (adipose tissue cells) stop accumulating fats. And the interaction of tamoxifen with an insulin-like growth factor, on the contrary, stimulates lipolysis.
Clomid also belongs to the group of antiestrogens. It is more selective comparing to Nolvadex. If Nolvadex interacts with all estrogen receptors, then Clomid only binds to receptors in the hypothalamus and ovaries.
Clomid is a very complex drug. Its pharmacodynamics is constantly being studied.
In addition to inhibiting estrogen and preventing the negative effects of aromatization, Clomid acts on the hypothalamus.
One of the worst complications of testosterone steroids is testicular atrophy. The accumulation of estrogen leads to this.
Testosterone breaks down to form estrogen. Estrogen then binds to hypothalamic receptors. The hypothalamus instructs the testes to stop producing testosterone. And the more testosterone we take, the stronger this effect. Clomid blocks estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland. And estrogen cannot affect the pituitary gland.
Also, this drug further enhances the production of endogenous testosterone. Clomid positively affects the concentration of gonadotropic hormones. Also, the drug can bind to estrogen receptors, so the amount of estrogen in the blood increases, but most of the hormone will be inactive.
In the first days after taking Clomid, the number of gonadotropic hormones increases to the maximum level, which in turn significantly increases the concentration of natural testosterone in the body. After 6 weeks of taking clomiphene in an athlete, endogenous testosterone returns to normal, and the level of gonadotropic hormones returns to its normal concentration.
Clenbuterol is a medicine that is used to treat bronchial asthma. In recent years, Clenbuterol has found widespread use in bodybuilding and fitness due to its ability to burn fat. Therefore, athletes often use it for weight loss and cutting.
Clenbuterol belongs to the group of adrenergic agonists.
It activates beta-2-adrenergic receptors, as a result of which the sympathetic nervous system is activated and lipolysis is triggered.
Clenbuterol can bind to beta-2 receptors in the adipose tissue. After it binds to the receptor, a cascade of biochemical reactions is triggered. This leads to an increase in cAMP synthesis. cAMP, in turn, activates enzymes that release fatty acids from adipocytes.
Besides, Clenbuterol causes an adrenaline and norepinephrine surge. These hormones are called stress-hormones. They cause the body to spend energy and not accumulate it.
In addition to Clenbuterol destroying the already present fat, it also interferes with the deposition of a new one.
Clenbuterol also has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, protecting muscles from destruction. This is true during weight loss and drying in bodybuilding.
Also, its effect on the bronchi is useful to us. It expands the bronchi and increases the flow of oxygen.
Oral Cutting cycle table
Total: 2 anavar, 1 stromba 50, 1 Primobolon , 1 clen, 1 clom, 1 nolva
Let's talk about the proper intake of these drugs.
First of all, we decide on steroid drugs. Anavar stanozolol and Primobolan have a synergistic effect. They do not accumulate water in the body and activate lipolysis. Separately, they could not provide an anti-catabolic effect. But the appointment of these drugs simultaneously solves the problem with a decrease in muscle volume.
Anavar should be taken for seven weeks. The dosage of the drug should be 40 mg/day.
Reception Stanozolol should also last seven weeks. But the dosage should be 50 mg/day.
The duration of taking Primobolan is slightly less, only six weeks.
A good option would be to take a break between each of the drugs, and not to take them all at the same time. Take a break between taking medications for at least an hour. Since Primobolan is only five hours long, take it for 40 minutes before the workout.
Clenbuterol, as the main adrenergic drug on the cycle, must be taken from the first to the last day of the cycle. It is this drug that will provide the main fat-burning effect. Clenbuterol must be taken every other day at 50 mg. We recommend taking Clenbuterol in the morning after breakfast. So you can mitigate such a side effect as insomnia.
Nolvadex should be taken for eight weeks. It has two goals - to prevent the negative effects of steroids and activate lipolysis.
The dosage of Nolvadex is 20 mg per day.
Clomid should be taken from the fourth week of the cycle. It will further protect the athlete from the negative effects of steroids.