What things you better shouldn’t do in the gym

What things you better shouldn’t do in the gym

You know exactly what to do in the gym, namely to improve the technique, train wisely and focus on each exercise. The list of what you should not do is much longer. Expressions such as “don't hunch” or “hold your hands” are common tips from trainers. However, there are many other wisdom that are not related to specific movements. Pay attention to few things you shouldn`t do to improve your results.

Do a warm-up before starting your workout.

In general, if you do not do a warm-up before energetic training, then you kill your potential result, but we don’t want this, right? If you do not have time to warm up, then just use your walk to the fitness center as an opportunity to stretch your legs: go faster, do extra lunges, etc. Toward the end of the training session, you also need to perform light cardio exercises.


Never copy a blind exercise that someone else is doing.

Do you know when someone gets the flu and then almost everyone gets sick? This can very easily happen with poor exercise technique. One person is doing something wrong, and sooner or later you will see that other people are doing exercises with the same bad technique.

The fact that the most pumped up guy in the gym does some exercise does not mean that he is doing it right. Observation is a great place to start when you are learning new exercises, but this is just the beginning. Working with an educated and knowledgeable trainer or training partner can help you a lot, especially at the beginning.

Never try to prove anything to others.

The gym is not a place to compete and prove who is better or worse. On the contrary! The gym should be a place where everyone can come and practice, even if he is a beginner or a professional bodybuilder. Do not try to surprise anyone by lifting heavy loads that you can not do. You are likely to get hurt, and the one for whom you try may not even notice your efforts.

Do not waste time between approaches to the phone and social networks

Nowadays, almost everyone in the gym has a mobile phone. If someone takes it with them, for example, just to listen to music, this is at best. Unfortunately, many are already guided by the fact that if you do not take a photo in the gym or in training and do not share it on social networks, it is as if you were not in the gym.

Even worse, a “selfie” in the gym is when someone is waiting while someone is training on the simulator that you need. Everything would be fine, but as soon as this someone completes the approach, he remains to sit on the simulator with a mobile phone in his hands. This is definitely something you should avoid in the gym. Mutual respect and compliance with certain rules should be a priority for everyone who trains. Therefore, if you see someone just sitting on the training apparatus and obviously not doing any exercises, ask him if the stuff is still busy. After all, we by ourselves create the atmosphere in the gym.

The biggest mistake in the gym

If you take something, be sure to put it in place. This applies to all things in the gym. For example, if you take a dumbbell, after training you should return it to where you took it. Keep in mind that by keeping the gym clean, you are not only improving someone else's workout, but yours as well. The same applies to other exercise accessories located in the gym.

Never, never get lazy

We do a lot of things to make our life more comfortable, but “being lazy” is not what you need during endurance training. Training is a science, and one of the basic principles is based on a concept called progressive overload. When you add weight to the bench press, muscle fibers react - with proper nutrition and relaxation - with great growth and strength. When you stop increasing weight or the number of repetitions and begin to feel comfortable, the body will have no reason for further adaptation. Thus, at the same and constant pace, you will never keep your workouts under control.

No plan, no progress

For a effective training, it must always have a plan. Chaotic throwing around the hall from one training apparatus to another will not give a result and will only hinder others from engaging. Make a competent training plan with the trainer to suit your needs and clearly follow it.

For a training to be effective, it must always have a plan. Chaotic throwing around the hall from one training apparatus to another will not give a result and will only hinder others from engaging. Make a competent training plan with the trainer to suit your needs and clearly follow it.