How to use "Methane"? Review

How to use "Methane"? Review

For people who use synthetic drugs with the goal of accelerating muscle mass gain, “methane” is a word and a concept native to pain. So dear that many of them do not even think about the mechanisms of its effect on the body, dosages, modes of administration and other, generally speaking, important details. Stereotypes prevail here most often - everyone does it, and I will do the same. Nevertheless, there are several of the most popular “modes” for receiving “methane” and some of them differ significantly from each other. But often the first scheme of drug use that comes across becomes an established rule, a dogma, of which there can be no doubt about the truth. Moreover, it is obvious that taking anabolic steroids is fraught with many "pitfalls", known and little-known health risks.

Responsible for the possible consequences of the decision to use "methane", of course, will have to whoever made this decision. Despite the fact that a lot has been said and written about this drug, we’ll try to systematize the information and clarify some details so that experiments on our own body would be well thought out. By the way, "methane" is officially called methandrostenolone. We allow ourselves to further use both terms with an understanding of what is at stake. So go ahead!

Why do athletes choose methane?

Historical facts about Methane

In its usual form (that is, for oral use), methandrostenolone has existed for a long time (according to official data - since 1956). Prior to this, steroid therapy was carried out by injection. With this form of drug administration, two noticeable shortcomings were revealed - the short duration of the substance and the standard inconvenience of injections. The latter circumstance is even more significant than the first. Since the indications for the use of anabolic steroids relate mainly to patients who underwent serious surgery, injuries, serious infections; such patients, and so regularly and a lot of “slammed”. Therefore, the task of creating an oral anabolic steroid was very important.

As a result, the problems that prompted the development of "methane" were largely resolved. First, a tablet form of an anabolic was obtained; at the same time, the drug due to the presence of a methyl group in its composition, is not destroyed in the stomach, is absorbed into the blood. In fact, methandrostenolone is nothing more than methyltestosterone after dehydrogenation. Hence, another name for "methane" is dehydromethyltestosterone. True, dehydrogenation did not affect the presence of side effects in any way - they are similar for both drugs (edema, dyspepsia, "temporary" jaundice, enlarged liver). Secondly, it was possible to reduce androgenicity.

Why do athletes choose methane?

Those who decide to stimulate muscle growth using anabolic steroids, most often, indeed, start with methandrostenolone. This is due to several reasons, of which three circumstances related to the characteristics of "methane" are decisive. About them - further in more detail.

The first and very good reason is the tablet form of the drug.

This, in any case, is incomparably more convenient than injections. In addition, there is an opinion (perhaps even that it was formed on the basis of certain associations) that injectable steroids can cause drug dependence. And nobody wants to get such a “headache” - this is not a very positive attitude towards injections, especially regular ones. In fact, these kinds of fears are based solely on psychological, and not physiological, ground (as they say, "the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads").

The first and very good reason is the tablet form of the drug.

It is difficult to attribute anabolic steroids to narcotic substances with all the desire. “Classic” drugs make changes in the central nervous system; for example, by imitating the action of endorphins, which leads to an improvement in mood, the appearance of a sense of causeless happiness, a decrease in the pain threshold, etc. The scope of steroids is completely different. These substances stimulate a change in the hormonal background in the body; as for their influence on the psychological state (mood swings, depression, euphoria, aggression, etc.), the effect of steroids in this regard is indirect. In the end, common sense tells us that steroids in tablets and injections work in principle in the same way (after all, the active substance is the same or similar, only the way it is introduced into the body differs).

An important factor number two is the relatively low cost of methane.

Well, here again there is a place for a certain error. Indeed, the drug itself, based on a monthly course, can be purchased at a price of 4 to 10 dollars (depending on where and from whom to buy). But, if you do not forget about your health, then after taking the anabolic, you should do rehabilitation therapy. It is necessary to “support” the liver (Karsil, Essential will cost about $ 30 per course). It is still necessary to maintain muscle mass, that is, potassium and calcium preparations will be needed. There may be other additional costs that clearly need to be included in the total cost of "chemistry". In a word, cheapness may turn out to be apparent.

And the third point - stereotypes, the prevalence of the drug.

I decided to "chemical", asked the "senior comrade" for advice - most often they recommend precisely "methane". This option for the "beginner" is not only not ideal, but completely wrong. Unfortunately, the fault here is the lack of information, which is due to a certain closed topic. Objective and accessible information about the effect of steroids on the body, obviously, could seriously help many novice "chemists" to avoid a large number of typical mistakes.

Details of methane use

Before describing the ways and methods of using “good old methane” to significantly increase muscle mass, it is worth noting once again to prevent common misconceptions: it is better to refrain from taking methandrostenolone. To begin with, the fact that this drug is simply “morally obsolete” (“grandfather methane” has already been knocked on for more than fifty years). Pharmacological advances over this period of time have been very significant. And in the light of these achievements, taking generally any steroids in tablets seems unreasonable, unreasonable.

Details of methane use

If the need to experience the effect of "methane" is so great, the decision to take the drug is unshakable, then attention is the first rule. The regimen of taking a steroid according to the pyramid principle is extremely inefficient. At first, the desired effect can be observed, but soon the body simply gets used to the presence of the drug and its administration has no effect. This way of getting used to a certain substance. It has been used since ancient times to make the body insensitive, for example, to the effects of poison. In the case of "methane", a similar regimen of the drug subsequently forces you to abandon it due to the lack of the desired effect. The question is - was it worth starting?

Methandrostenolone intake

Thus, the dose of methane should be stable, and the dose should be dictated by the biological rhythms of the body. In this regard, the drug should be "delivered" to the body from 6 to 9 hours and from 18 to 21 hours. At this time of day, the content of testosterone in the blood in men increases. On the other hand, if the day regimen is non-standard (shift work, etc.). Then an individual approach to choosing the time for taking steroids is required.

The importance of taking into account the daily biological rhythms when using anabolic steroids is due to the fact that in this way it becomes possible to harmonize natural and artificial factors affecting the hormonal background. A two-time regimen of taking "methane" may initially be less effective than the more common 3-4 times. Nevertheless, a two-time regimen is more natural, while an increase in the frequency of administration can cause the onset of the same habituation effect. In this case, the course of therapy is pointless to continue for more than one week.

Regarding dosages, the following can be stated. The most effective (optimal) daily intake of "methane" is 20-25 mg (usually this corresponds to four to five tablets). "Golden mean" in terms of the duration of the course - three to four weeks; and addiction is not too strong, and side effects are not so noticeable. However, you need to consider the individual characteristics of the body. After a course of steroids, it is prudent to pause and rehabilitate the liver.

About myths and fables related to methane intake.

The elementary ignorance mentioned above and the lack of objective information have already generated many widespread, deep-rooted myths regarding the use of “methane”. Not all of them are harmless, some can pretty much harm health.

Myths and fables related to methane intake.

Fiction number one - the drug should not be swallowed, but you need to dissolve it.

This statement is argued that “methane” in this case is directly absorbed into the blood through the vessels of the oral cavity. And, therefore, it cause less harm to the liver. In reality, the liver, being a kind of filtering organ, in any case, will receive the same dose of the drug through the blood - everything that is in the blood is in the liver. However, doctors often often recommend dissolving methandrostenolone. But the motivation here is completely different. Just in this embodiment, a certain dose of the drug will enter the blood from the stomach, and the other part from the oral cavity. Thus, the total concentration of the active substance will be greater, since its smaller amount will be destroyed under the influence of gastric juices. And the “blow” to the liver is the same - at least swallow, at least dissolve.

Another myth is similar in theme to the first.

In accordance with it, the drug must be drunk dissolved in vegetable oil. It seems like then, “methane” will enter the bloodstream not from the stomach, but from the intestines; it will not pass through the portal vein, therefore, again, the liver will suffer less. The debunking of the myth is similar - in the liver there will be everything that is in the blood. Vegetable oil can to some extent prevent the destruction of the drug by gastric juices. This is the only minor positive of this method of administration.

Another "tale of king methane"

The instruction prescribes to take the drug before eating. But if there is pain in the abdomen, then you should use "methane" with food. This is nonsense and quite dangerous. If the steroid causes a pain reaction, it must be discarded; body pain warns of the inevitable negative consequences. And taking "methane" with food only slows down the process of its absorption in the blood and nothing more.

Course of methandrostenolone

Course of methandrostenolone

The pyramid regimen is extremely ineffective. Since in this case the body will get used to the presence of the drug and no effects will be observed.

Reception of "methane" should proceed stably and in equal doses. The most favorable hours for taking the drug are 6.00-9.00 and 18.00-21.00. This is a time of increased testosterone in men.

A two-time intake of "methane" per day is the most natural. And the usual 3-4 single dose can lead to the same addictive effect.

The optimal duration of the course is 4-6 weeks.

The optimal daily dosage for beginners is 20 mg. More experienced athletes can lift it up to 40 mg per day.

At the end of the course, to minimize side effects and minimize "rollback" you need to conduct PCT - post-cycle therapy.

Important note: Here were given recommendations regarding the intake of "methane". This is in no way a guide to action, a call for the use of steroids. Anyone who is going to use this information should understand that he assumes all risks and responsibility for possible consequences.