How to get your body to produce more hormones?

How to get your body to produce more hormones?

More hormones for muscle growth

Do you know what makes muscles grow? That's right, anabolic hormones. Let's list: testosterone, insulin, IGF-1 and growth hormone. So, from the point of view of any physician, training with “iron” is a laborious method of influencing your own hormonal system in order to “squeeze” more “growth” hormones from it. Actually, the way it is. Think for yourself, our body has only one way out: in response to athletic pressure, increase the secretion of all anabolic hormones. An active influx of hormones into the muscles will cause muscle tissue to grow, the muscles will become larger, and therefore stronger.

Meanwhile, exercise is not the only way to boost the hormonal glands.

There are other methods. In particular, a special diet, nutritional supplements and a good sleep. If all these “growth factors" are brought together, then the set of muscle mass, of course, will accelerate great. Here are specific tips for the main anabolic hormones.


This hormone has the greatest "growth" potential. The only problem is that he is secretly influenced by a bunch of factors, and all for the worse. There are poor nutrition, and disturbances in the rhythm of "sleep-wakefulness", nervous overload, psychological stress, harmful ecology, poor genetics, etc.

So, if you undertake to selectively measure the level of testosterone in different strokes, you will get a huge range of values: from 1200 nanograms per deciliter of blood (great!) To 300 nanograms (sad!). By the way, today only a few testosterone levels are observed. Well, in order to "grow", this hormones needs a lot, a lot ...

Testosterone hormone

How to increase testosterone secretion?

Yes, very simple - eat more fat! The secret is that fats are a direct raw material for the "production" of testosterone. When they are not enough, testosterone, of course, has nothing to “do”. So it turns out that the bodybuilder, "trimming" fat calories for the sake of muscle "relief", beats himself in the most sore spot! And don’t even think to mind! All this has already been verified, re-verified by science a thousand times! Those vegetarians chronically suffer from low levels of testosterone, and transplant them to a fatty meat diet, and again they become full-fledged men.

It is worth emphasizing that in the case of a deficiency of fats, none of the most correct diet helps. Scientists planted jocks on a diet with an ideal ratio of proteins to carbohydrates, but the level of testosterone remained ultra-low until they added good fats to the diet. As a result, it was precisely established that the peak content of their "native" testosterone pumping has 30% fat in its daily menu. And if he was not very lucky with genetics, then there is a reason to add another 10%! In short, 40% is a solid guarantee of complete order with testosterone.

And what will happen if you pump even more fat into yourself?

But nothing! Testosterone levels, on the contrary, will decrease.

Everyone knows that there are fats “healthy” and “unhealthy”. However, in reality, the situation is muddy. One is often written on the label, but inside it is something completely different. How to be Experts advise this: a minimum of fat in ordinary dishes, but in the morning you pour in a couple of tablespoons of linseed or hemp oil. Plus, buy at the pharmacy capsules of omega-3 fats and “skip” twice a week a serving of fairly fatty salmon. But! Do not even look towards canned fish in oil. The oil there is not “fish” at all, but the cheapest, refined.

Human Growth Hormones

Human Growth Hormones (HGH)

This hormone is a brutal thing in the sense of anabolism. It is enough to remember how teenagers are gaining growth: a month or two, and they can no longer be recognized. Muscle injectors of synthetic HGH confirm: “Pret! Yes, how! ” Maybe you get hooked on injections! In no case! Growth hormone does not parse and grows everything. Yes, you will add muscle, but along the way your cartilage will grow. Well, imagine ears of size 45! Or huge knotty brushes, like Dracula's!

By the way, our lower jaw is suspended on thick cartilage ligaments, which especially “love” to grow from growth hormone. So, if a guy’s face resembles a hat of a flattened nail (huge nodules and a massive jaw of a pithecanthropus), it’s immediately clear: he went over with HGH.

What is the conclusion?

It is better to "rest" in natural methods: the body does not harm itself. The most wonderful thing is to get a good night's sleep. The first release of HGH occurs 30-40 minutes after falling asleep, and then the pulsations are repeated every two to three hours. It's great to lie down during the day - for an hour. To have time to take place a single release of HGH.

The second way is to take amino acid stimulants. Arginine in the company with lysine comes first. Take one and a half grams of both at a time. If after half an hour pleasant warmth and drowsiness spill over the body, then it worked. Not? Add a little dose.

The amino acid ornithine has a similar effect - from 3 to 12 gg at a time (you can take it with arginine and lysine).

The last surprise of science is the amino acid glutamine. It used to never occur to anyone to check it from the “hormonal” point of view. And then it turned out that only 2 g of glutamine, dissolved in ordinary Coca-Cola, give a particularly powerful release of HGH.

But what if to replace glutamine with its deshovoy amino acid counterpart - glutamic acid? Alas, no use!

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)

This hormone is not so well studied by medicine, however, there is real evidence that IGF-1 is much superior to testosterone in the strength of anabolism. Those pitching who took sports supplements with this hormone for a long time, cry with bitter tears. He grows everything in a row, but for some reason he has a special addiction to the intestines. The guts become larger and thicker. As a result, the figured pitching acquires a typical beer belly.

In short, healthy methods that stimulate the secretion of IGF-1 due to the same nutrition are much more useful here. Peak hormone secretion occurs when you take 2 g of protein per kilogram of your own weight. You will eat less, receive less IGF-1.

It is better if the protein is an animal: from milk, eggs, chicken, beef, fish. An excellent source of protein is whey protein powder. If money is found, take free amino acids.

There is a direct link between the protein content in your diet and the secretion of IGF-1. And if so, then here's the rule for you: when you go on a diet and cut the total number of calories, do not touch the proteins. Otherwise, the secretion of IGF-1 will collapse, and your muscles will stop responding to the training.

On the other hand, protein cannot be sorted out. Excess protein for the body is poison. The liver, kidneys, and more than that, testosterone production decreases. The maximum single dose of protein is 30-35 g. Eat more, get nothing but harm.

What is insulin?


The hardest thing with him. In theory, insulin “delivers” glucose, the “living” energy of muscle cells, into the muscles. It would seem that more insulin - more energy. But no, the cells are not ready to take insulin anytime. And then the excess plays a very bad role - turns blood glucose into subcutaneous fat.

It is well known that insulin causes carbohydrates to be released. If you think that, they say, the more carbohydrates, the more insulin, then you are mistaken. It's all about the "quality" of carbohydrates. Sweets cause insulin waterfalls to erupt. But oatmeal, no matter how much you eat it, causes a weak insulin secretion. Hence the conclusion: when your energy is exhausted to the limit (for example, after a workout or at the end of the day), it is better to take “sweet” carbohydrates. But at another time it is better to prefer “moderate” carbohydrates - oatmeal, vegetables, other cereals, pasta, to sweets. In general, your diet should not have more than 50% carbohydrates. This ensures that insulin secretion is optimal.

Natural ways to achieve ANABOLIC EFFECT

Natural ways to achieve ANABOLIC EFFECT

  1. Extract at least 30% of your calories from fat.
  2. Focus on sources of healthy fats (like plant foods and fish).
  3. Take linseed oil as a dietary supplement if your diet is deficient in healthy fats.
  4. Consume at least 2 grams of protein per kg of your weight daily.
  5. Focus on low-fat sources of protein (such as fish, soybeans, lean beef, chicken breasts, low-fat cheese).
  6. Focus on starch-rich foods (like beans, brown rice, lentils, potatoes, corn, and oatmeal).