Drying for men - Part 2: weekly training program

The main purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of fat mass as much as possible while maintaining muscle. First of all, for this, food is changed. We considered the diet with the calculation in a previous article. You can now move on to the drying training program in the gym.
Fat mass is lost only with a special approach to training. Aerobic exercise can help you lose fat.
How to dry out in the gym
Circuit training is effective for burning body fat. The bottom line is the alternating performance of exercises for different muscle groups. As a result, a kind of circle is formed.
Circuit training is characterized by low weights, a minimum of time between exercises and approaches, as well as a generally high pace. In effect, they are comparable to cardio loads.
A key feature of circuit training is the performance of multi-joint basic exercises. These include pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and other exercises that replicate natural functionality. They are the most energy-consuming. And the more calories the body burns during training, the more fat will be lost.
What are the requirements for a circular training program in the drying room:
- The number of circles is 3-4.
- Duration - 30-40 minutes (short).
- Frequency - 3-5 times a week.
- Training style - pumping.
- The number of repetitions is 12-15 or more, up to about 20.
- Rest between sets - 1 minute.
- Weight weights - 20% less than with conventional muscle gain training.

The drying complex in the gym is best performed on simulators. They are safer and more effective than multi-joint free weight exercises.
A large number of repetitions is necessary to ensure a "pumping" training regime. With it, the muscles receive a minimum of microdamage, which, in conditions of strength training, help the muscles to grow. This is the effect of compensation and supercompensation. But they cannot be achieved on drying due to a calorie deficit. As a result, micro injuries in the muscles will not be restored, and this can lead to a decrease in muscle volume and even injury.
Therefore, the best option for drying in the gym for men is a "pumping" mode with an increased number of repetitions of exercises, provided that the working weights are reduced.
Additionally, cardio loads are required. Swimming and cycling are more efficient during the drying period.
Important: there should be no exhausting and frequent training during the drying period. At this time, one cannot overwork. If you feel unwell, you need to increase the number of days between workouts.
Drying program in the gym for men
For greater effect, drying exercises in the hall are recommended to be done non-stop, that is, without interruptions. This will help you burn as much fat as possible. Over time, the number of circles can be increased from 1 to 3.
The presented complex is designed for training 3 times a week with a break of 1 day. How many times to do the exercise - 12-15, sets - 1. Each workout begins with a 5-minute warm-up.
Workout 1
- Traction of the lower block to the stomach.
- Bench press lying.
- Press platform legs.
- Lying leg curls in the simulator.
- Bench press in Smith.
- Lifting the barbell for biceps.
- Extension of the arms while standing on the upper block.
- Crunches for the press on the upper block.
Workout 2
- Press on an incline bench.
- Squats in Smith.
- Deadlift.
- Broaching with a barbell standing along the body.
- Press with a narrow grip on the bench.
- Lifting dumbbells for biceps.
- Row of the upper block to the chest in a standing position.
- Raising the legs in support on the uneven bars or hanging.
Workout 3
- Squats in the Hack Machine.
- Hyperextension.
- Press up in Smith
- Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on a bench.
- Row of the bar in an incline to the stomach.
- French bench press from a lying position.
- Breeding dumbbells on an incline bench.
- Raises the trunk on the back incline bench.

Sports accessories to protect against injury and improve training efficiency
With such intense loads, it will be useful to practice in special compression clothing. It helps to keep the muscles warm throughout the workout. Here we advise you to explore why you need compression clothing for sports and whether it is really easier to train in them.
Even in the process of training, you may find it useful:
- Athletic belt. Reduces the risk of injury during weightlifting. Reliably protects the lower back, spine and abdominal muscles from sprains and overloads. A belt is essential for exercises such as squats and deadlifts.
- Gloves. They will help to avoid calluses on the palms, and also reduce the risk of injury to the wrist joint. Gloves also improve grip and increase grip on the projectile.
- A bottle for water. The handy and compact bottle provides the right amount of water for your entire workout. The measuring scale will allow you to keep track of the amount of water you drink over a period of time.
- Wrist bandages. They are fixed on the wrists with Velcro and have a loop for the thumb. Prevents damage to the wrist joint, relieves stress on it and helps in lifting heavy weights.
- Traction straps. When doing exercises with a barbell, straps are wrapped around the wrist and bar. This is necessary to fix the wrist joint. The straps are useful when lifting close to critical weights and recovering from injury. They are used for pull-ups, deadlifts, and when working with barbells and dumbbells.
- Shaker. An indispensable accessory for athletes taking sports nutrition. In a shaker, you can prepare a sufficient dose of the additive and achieve its ideal consistency without lumps. You can prepare a cocktail right before your workout. In a shaker, everything mixes very quickly.
Now you know what the ideal drying workout should be. Share your opinion, how competently the program is and who is it more suitable for - beginners or professionals?